



2024-07-18 06:36:12 来源:网络


英语作文加翻译:my,grandma'slife。小学五年级 -
Grandma, a word is almost familiar to everyone as we are all bound to have one. For me, my grandma has the Chinese female’s traditional virtues: kindness、generosity、prudence and optimism. Not only the relatives but also her neighbors speak high of her. Now in my writing, I希望你能满意。
When I was a child, my parents often took me to visit my grandpa who refused to move to live with us after my grandma’s death. I was confused about his reason that he feared that my grandma would feel lonely. He believed that my grandma never left that house. My father 还有呢?


介绍我和家人生日的英语作文 -
Sometimes,parents will prepare a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children.Since birthday celebration is one of the important activities in one's life.My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April.My father's birthday is on 9th June后面会介绍。
My grandmother is a very interesting person.My grandmother is a buddhist believers, more than 5 o 'clock in the morning she got up and burned incense to Bodhisattva。Then she go to do breakfast and sweep the floor.My grandmother tell a story every day.But she is a different还有呢?
描写我的奶奶英语作文5篇 -
我的奶奶英语作文篇一我的奶奶是我们这个大家庭里最重要的成员。奶奶她81岁了,但一点都不显得老。奶奶是一个慈祥的老人,她的身子骨硬朗的很。黑发间渐渐生了些许白发。可她一直是勤俭节约过的。My grandmother is the most important member of our big family. Grandma, she's 81 years old, 到此结束了?。
【篇一】奶奶带来的菜The Food Grandma Brings Today, my grandma comes to visit us, because she misses me so much. My grandma lives in a small villiage, she likes the life there and refuses to move out. She will grow some food and she enjoys it. She will bring the fresh 等会说。
介绍你家人的生日英语作文五年级上册10句话 -
I have a wonderful family, My family is my parents, my sister and I. My birthday is on 16th February,My mother's birthday is on 27th April. My father's birthday is on 9th June. and my sister's birthday is on 7th July. My life is very happiness,and I love my family后面会介绍。.
1.My grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair. My grandmother get along well with her neighbours. She is a kind-hearted person and is always ready to help others, so whenever people get into difficulties, they often go to her for help. She is 等我继续说。
my"grandma's daily life" -
my"grandma's daily life"我的外婆的日常生活”望采纳,谢谢天天开心,
Compared to the grandmother's past, we are not very happy! My grandmother always said "take it forgranted", now I finally understand this sentence. Our present life is the grandmother that generation of yearning, we should have a good value, and strive to learn, not to live 后面会介绍。